On Desktop:

  1. Click on Spaces in the top bar
  2. Click on the desired space
  3. Click on To-Dos and edit as desiredTo-Dos made in this section will carry over to the Spaces tab under To-Dos in the project Overviewwhere they'll be categorized by space.

OR you can edit Spaces To-Dos from the project Overview:

  1. Click on Overview
  2. Click on To-Dos
  3. Edit To-Dos under the Spaces subtab

To-Dos made in this section will carry over to the To-Dos section seen when in a specific space, as shown previously.

On Mobile App:

  1. Click on Spaces at the bottom of the screen
  2. Choose the space you'd like to edit the To-Dos in
  3. Click on To-Dos. To-Dos made in this section will carry over to the To-Dos found when clicking To-Dos at the bottom of the screen, where they'll be categorized by space

OR Spaces To-Dos can be edited by clicking on To-Dos at the bottom of the screen and editing under the Spaces subtab as shown below:

To-Dos made in this section will carry over to the To-Dos found when selecting a specific Space, as shown previously.

Further Reading: